The action sequences--the robberies, the close calls, the shootouts--are all well-handled (this movie has the first chase scene I've seen in a long time that I've cared about). But what makes the film special is the way it shows the motivations of its four women, whose lives are in economic crisis. It doesn't justify bank robbery, but it makes a convincing case for the mixture of desperation, impulsiveness and thrill-seeking that catapults its characters from minimum-wage jobs to TV news bulletins.
There is even a scene where the four women hold a planning session at a coffee shop,discover they don't have enough money to pay the bill and sneak out--stiffing the waitress. The waitress, by the way, is black. So is the social worker. The movie is not about overt racism, but about the buried realities of an economic system that expects women to lead lives the system does not allow them to afford.
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The movie is not perfect; its most obvious error is that the characters do not react to the violence in the way that real women would. The movie provides perfunctory reaction shots and then moves on. The movie is so psychologically accurate in its other scenes that it should have given more thought to how the reality of death would affect these women, who are not killers.
The movie tells the story of four friends who are struggling to make a living. The movie depicts many different turning points for each of the characters. Turning points that causes them to contemplate criminal acts that cost them their lives and their friendships. Vivica A. Fox's character starts off on the right road and seems to have it together. She is working in a bank and is making decent money. She has done well on the job until someone that she knows decides to rob the bank. As a result she is terminated even though she had absolutely nothing to do with the robbery. This sets the scene for the entire movie. Jada Pinkett Smith's character has a younger brother who is college bound and she does everything to make sure that he stays on the right path. He is accepted to a university and she sleeps with someone to get the money that her brother needs to attend. They have a celebration party and everyone is happy. He is walking home during the night and a cop mistakes him for someone else because of a hair cut. When the young man reaches in his jacket he is shot dead. Soon after they find that he was only taking out a bottle. Kemberly Elise's character is somewhat naive but is a hard worker. All of the characters work together cleaning buildings and dreaming about a better day. One night Kimberly's character does not have childcare. The young child gets a hold of some cleaning products and has to be rushed to the hospital. Child protective services is called and the child is taken out of the home. Queen Latifah's character is dating a female and is not afraid to shoot and ask questions later. She has the bright idea to rob a bank and tries to enlist the help of the other young ladies. At first she is met with resistance especially with Pinkett's character. She soon comes aboard and they rob their first bank. It was a sloppy job but they got away with enough money to split between them. They hide the money in one of the buildings and agree that they are not to do anything differently. No buying expensive things, nothing that would bring any attention to what they had done. They had problems sticking to the plan and to top it off their boss finds the money and skips town. They decide that they need to rob another bank. They rob the bank but Latifah's character makes the mistake of throwing CD's out of the cars she steals during robberies. The police put two and two together and they are hot on their trail. They decide to rob one bank too many and everything goes wrong. They end up killing a cop and find themselves on the run. This is a great movie that shows loyalty, true friendships and heart.
She is working in a bank and is making decent money. She has done well on the job until someone that she knows decides to rob the bank. As a result she is terminated even though she had absolutely nothing to do with the robbery. This sets the scene for the entire movie.
The police put two and two together and they are hot on their trail. They decide to rob one bank too many and everything goes wrong. They end up killing a cop and find themselves on the run. This is a great movie that shows loyalty, true friendships and heart.
Where to Watch Set It OffSet It Off is available to watch, stream, download and buy on demand at Google Play. Some platforms allow you to rent Set It Off for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
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Helper applications are programs launched fromMozilla (or Netscape) which allow you to view or handle non-webpagefiles. Some examples include RealPlayer audio or movie files orcompressed binary (.zip, .bin, .gz) files. This QA document covers howthe browser (Navigator) should function with system-defined anduser-defined helper applications, as well as when encounteringundefined/unknown file types.
When I attempt to update any app on my iPhone 6, the little process circle that appears after you click "update," just continues to swirl, remaining in that state as long as I let it. I have to quit the app store app or reboot my phone to get it back to the update button (even if I try pressing the swirly circle, it does not change).I've tried a hard reset, tried deleting any recently added apps. Some apps I'm unable to delete, because they appear to be in a transitional state (partially greyed out, like they're downloading or updating) and, I cannot see any third party apps when I go into settings, manage storage - it loads all the native apps, then appears to be in the process of loading the rest, but never continues. It shows i have 2.5gb available memory, so I should be able to at least update some apps, unless that figure is not correctly representing everything on my phone. I'm running iOS 9.0 and am extremely apprehensive about updating, because my phone was bricked for two days when i updated it to 9.0. I have an iPad air 2,which i had no trouble updating to 9.0, and am experiencing no issues with now - I'm able to update and download apps fine. And yes, I did log out of the iTunes app store, then back in, but it made no difference. I've not connected it to iTunes on my computer, because I'm currently servicing my pc. Any ideas? I've tried everything i can think of.
The client computes secure hashes of the ciphertext and of the shares. Ituses Merkle Trees so that it is possible to verify the correctness of asubset of the data without requiring all of the data. For example, thisallows you to verify the correctness of the first segment of a movie file andthen begin playing the movie file in your movie viewer before the entiremovie file has been downloaded.
To download, the client that wishes to turn a capability into a sequence ofbytes will obtain the blocks from storage servers, use erasure-decoding toturn them into segments of ciphertext, use the decryption key to convert thatinto plaintext, then emit the plaintext bytes to the output target.
On the other hand, uploads are hampered by the need to upload encoded sharesthat are larger than the original data (3.3x larger with the current defaultencoding parameters), through the slow end of the asymmetric connection. Thismeans that on a typical 8x ADSL line, uploading a file will take about 32times longer than downloading it again later.
To work against this slow, continual loss of shares, a File Checker is usedto periodically count the number of shares still available for any givenfile. A more extensive form of checking known as the File Verifier candownload the ciphertext of the target file and perform integrity checks(using strong hashes) to make sure the data is still intact. When the file isfound to have decayed below some threshold, the File Repairer can be used toregenerate and re-upload the missing shares. These processes are conceptuallydistinct (the repairer is only run if the checker/verifier decides it isnecessary), but in practice they will be closely related, and may run in thesame process.
Integrity (the promise that the downloaded data will match the uploaded data)is provided by the hashes embedded in the capability (for immutable files) orthe digital signature (for mutable files). Confidentiality (the promise thatthe data is only readable by people with the capability) is provided by theencryption key embedded in the capability (for both immutable and mutablefiles). Data availability (the hope that data which has been uploaded in thepast will be downloadable in the future) is provided by the grid, whichdistributes failures in a way that reduces the correlation between individualnode failure and overall file recovery failure, and by the erasure-codingtechnique used to generate shares.
There is no attempt made to provide anonymity, neither of the origin of apiece of data nor the identity of the subsequent downloaders. In general,anyone who already knows the contents of a file will be in a strong positionto determine who else is uploading or downloading it. Also, it is quite easyfor a sufficiently large coalition of nodes to correlate the set of nodes whoare all uploading or downloading the same file, even if the attacker does notknow the contents of the file in question.
Also note that the file size and (when convergence is being used) a keyedhash of the plaintext are not protected. Many people can determine the sizeof the file you are accessing, and if they already know the contents of agiven file, they will be able to determine that you are uploading ordownloading the same one. 2ff7e9595c